Forms Field 2
Modified on Mon, 30 Sep, 2024 at 4:10 PM
- Field Options
- Event - Product Fields
- Dropdown List Fields
- Supporting Text & Callouts
- Number Fields
- Add, Edit, Delete, Copy, Move Fields
- Unique Fields
- Description Area Fields
- Short Answer Fields
- File Upload Fields with Formstack Forms
- Hidden Fields
- Required Fields
- Long Answer Fields
- Name Fields
- Placeholder Text
Field Options
Quickly control how a field displays and interacts with the submitter by selecting from the available field options. To trigger the field options, select the Field you'd like to edit and then you'll see some of the option as shown below(options may vary based on fields):
Required - A field that must be completed for the form to be submitted.
Hidden - A field that does not appear to the form submitter.
Read-Only - A field that can only be seen and not changed.
Hide Label - Conceals the name of the field from the submitter.
Unique - Only allows an option to be selected once by all submitters. * Can disable a form once all available options are gone if the field is required.
Supporting Text - Verbiage that appears just below the field to help submitters complete the field.
Placeholder - Text placed in the field before it is completed.
Format - Used for number field to select the decimal place and slider option.
Currency - Used to select the currency of number field.
Minimum Value - Least amount that can be entered in a number field.
Maximum Value - Highest amount that can be entered in a number field.
Default Value - Initial value entered on a field.
Field Size - Number of characters/rows that can field can have.
Field Label - Name of the field. All fields must have a field label.
If you'd like to submit a feature request to add or improve any our Field Options, please submit your request by selecting the I icon on the top right while logged on and then choosing the "Share Product Ideas" option.
Event - Product Fields
The Event / Product Fields allow you to organize and setup Events or Products based on prices, available quantities and adjust the handling after the availability has been depleted. An Event / Product Description and Image can be added to customize the field and inform your submitters on the Event or Product.
Adding an Event / Product Field to the Form
Open your Form and navigate to the Builder tab. Under the Advanced Form Fields column, click and drag the Event /Product field to add it to the Form. The field may be optionally set to 'Required' or 'Hidden'. You can then edit the Event title, upload an image and enter a description.
Event / Product pricing
When adding the Event / Product field, you can choose to set the item at a "Fixed Amount" and then insert your flat rate unit price. You can also set the Event to "No Charge" if the item has no cost associated with it.
Available quantities
Events / Products may be set with Unlimited quantities or choose the Limited Quantity option and enter the total number of available units. When using limited quantities, you can establish how many units a Submitter will be able to select per submission.
If you choose Limited, you have the option to define how many tickets are available.
Submission Options
With Event / Product fields, you can choose to save the number of tickets purchased, the Total (currency multiplied by the unit price) or both.
You can choose the Currency of your Product / Event field. This is useful if you'd like multiple Currency options.
Event handling options
If you choose the option of Limited tickets available when your Event / Product has filled to capacity, you can mark the Event / Product as "Sold Out" and new submitters will see the item is no longer available. You may also choose to hide this field on the Form once the items have sold out. Another option is to enable the "Show a waiting list option" which allows Users to be added to a waiting list against the Event / Product. When the Event /Product has sold out, the field will be marked as Sold Out and Users will be given an option which they can check off to be added to a waitlist. These Submitters will have their data tagged as being added to the wait list so they are easy to detect when reviewing your Form Submission.
Additionally, you can deactivate the whole Form when the Event / Product has sold out; this is done through the Form Settings tab > General > Deactivate Form settings.
Editing your Event / Product field
Once this field has been added to your Form, you can adjust the image, description, cost and available quantities at any time by clicking on the field in the Builder tab. You can also add as many Event / Product fields as you'd like to your Form for each item you are offering. When using multiple Event / Product fields, you can create a "Total" field to calculate and add up all Event / Product field selections into a grand total field. To see more on creating a Calculation, please click here.
Using Event Fields in Calculations and Payment Processors
Creating calculations with event fields can be a bit confusing, so here are a few pointers.
When you view your fields in the calculation dropdown list you'll see three "fields" associated with the Event / Product - the name, the price, and the quantity. The name of the event /product is actually the price times the quantity, so you don't have to create a calculation that multiplies the -price and quantity. Just choose the name of the event /product and let us do the math for you!
The price and quantity are separated into options so you can provide a ticket quantity count for free events/ products.
It's a similar process for setting up a payment integration like Paypal Pro.
The price field can either be mapped to the "total" option, which will automatically multiply the price and quantity together (leave the quantity field un-mapped in this case)
the "unit price" and "quantity" can be mapped to their respective fields and the payment processor can handle the math.
Dropdown List Fields
Dropdown lists are used to create a list of items from which you want a user to choose. You can either use a predefined list (such as State, Age, Days of the Week, etc.), create your own list from scratch, or use a previously created list that you've saved. Depending on your plan type, check out our Saved Lists article if you're on a Starter plan or our Smart List article if you're on a Team or higher tiered plan.
To add a Dropdown List field to your form, click on the "Dropdown List" field option and drag and drop it at the desired location on your form.
If you choose to add a Dropdown List field to your form, you will need to edit the label (i.e., the question/statement you want to show up on the form) and add your options. The image below shows a portion of the field editor for a Dropdown List that has been added to determine the days of the week an individual would like to volunteer:
Under "Field Options," you can choose to hide the field label or make the field required, hidden, or unique. If you make the field unique , once a form submitter chooses an option, that option is removed from the list until the submission is deleted from the submission table.
If you want to allow users to select multiple options in the Dropdown List, edit "Field Size" to display two or more rows. Then, when users are filling out the form, they will be able to select multiple options by holding Shift on their keyboard and clicking the options. If the form submitter will be selecting multiple options, you can also use the Checkbox field instead.
Adding Options
To add your list options, scroll down to the "Options" section in the field editor. Type each option on a separate line. If your list includes more than three options, click one of the plus signs to add additional lines. Options can be words or numbers. In the example below, the options are the available days that the Form submitter can choose from.
Please Note - It's also possible to create a list that can be used across all active forms by utilizing our Smart list feature. Once you've created a list, you'll have two choices: The first choice is to "Select Smart list to Copy" if you just want to only copy the options over. The second choice is the "Link to Smart List" option if you want to select a list that will be automatically updated whenever you make changes to the Smart list itself. For more information on how this feature works, including uploading, maintaining or building your first Smart List, check out this article.
Making it a Searchable Field
If you have an extensive list of options on your Dropdown List field, enabling this option will make it significantly easier on your Form takers . For instance, lets say you're building a Form for a University that's managing a comprehensive list of classes- there are many scenarios of where this could be used to create a better searching experience.
Note: This option is only available on the newest version of our Forms. For more information on upgrading to the newest version, please check out this article.
How to enable
How it looks on the Forms
Please Note: This feature can only be used to search for Labels (not Values if using separate values) & can only be used on single line drop downs, not multi-line.
Adding Separate Values
Sometimes, you'll want the label of what customers see to determine a price value or a record ID for an integration. Now, you can easily enter values on the right side of the options you enter with the Dropdown field. The person filling out the form only sees the option labels, not the values, as values are only used behind the scenes for calculations and third-party integrations. You can read more about separate values on our help page for Calculations. The option to use separate values is available through the Advanced Options Editor as described below.
Advanced Options Editor
You can find additional options for your Values by clicking the Advanced Options Editor button underneath your options. Here you can choose a Saved List, import via a CSV or TXT file, or choose what you would like to save to the Submission database in Formstack. Another option on the right is the ability to add seperate Values. Sometimes, you'll want the label of what customers see to determine a price value or a record ID for an integration. Now, you can easily enter values on the right side of the options you enter with the Dropdown field. The person filling out the form only sees the option labels, not the values, as values are only used behind the scenes for calculations and third-party integrations. You can read more about separate values on our help page for Calculations. The option to use separate values is available through the Advanced Options Editor as described below.
List Options
When you choose to have separate values, you can tell Formstack what information you would like saved to the Formstack Database, as well as what information is displayed in Notification and Confirmation Emails. You can choose to save the label, the value, or both.
Using Text or CSV Data to Import a List in the Advanced Options Editor
If you would like to import list options from a CSV or TXT file, you can do so via the Advanced Options Editor. From your Dropdown List field editor, click the "Advanced Options Editor" button. If you are importing labels and values, make sure the "Use Separate Values" option is selected as described above. Then, drag the appropriate CSV or TXT file onto the editor. When you see a green plus sign, drop your file.
If done correctly, the labels and values from your file should automatically populate the Options Editor when the file is dropped. Additionally, you will be given the option to use headers from your file.
If the file does not upload check to make sure that any values and labels are not duplicated if they are duplicated the upload will fail.
Note: For labels and values to import correctly, it's best to format your file with two columns that align with the "Labels" and "Values" columns in the Options Editor.
Inserting Blank and "Other" Options
If you would like the first option on the list to be a blank option so no option is selected by default, put in a space and hit enter for the first option on the list. When users visit your form, they will see a blank drop-down box under the question/statement label. They will have to click the arrows to view the list options and make a selection.
Note: If the field is required, a blank option will not validate as a filled-out field.
If you would like to include an "Other" option in your list, simply type "Other" on one of the option lines. If you want to allow users to type in a value for "Other," insert a Short Answer field and set Logic that brings up the field when "Other" is selected in the Dropdown List. For more information on how to do this, visit our help page on Conditional Logic.
If you would like your Short Answer field to appear as shown in the example below with no Label, you can hide this by editing the Short Answer field and under Field Options (left-edit bar), click the "Hide Label" option.
Setting a Default Value
If you'd like a specific option to be preselected when your customer first views your form, type that option exactly the same way in the "Default Value" area.
In the above example, Users will see a drop-down box that says "Friday" when they visit the form. They will need to click the arrows to see the other options.
Note: The value typed in the first option box will be preselected by default if no value is entered in the "Default Value" box, so you can also just type your desired default value as the first option in your list.
Supporting Text & Callouts
Supporting text is text that appears under a form field to explain how to fill out that field.
In the image above, the text "Your receipt will be sent to this address" is supporting text.
A callout is supporting text that only shows up when a form field is highlighted. Here's an example:
To change the supporting text for a field, edit that field by clicking on it and then fill out the "supporting text" field.
To make this text a callout, click the "Use Callout" checkbox.
Note: Callouts will not work with select lists, radio buttons, checkboxes, or file upload fields. The reason for this is that the supporting text is there to help people with their form input. With those particular fields, they won't see the callout until they've already made a choice, and by then, it will be too late.
Additionally, Callouts will...
- Only trigger once per radio or checkbox click (meaning clicking another option will not launch the callout again)
- Be removed from a radio or checkbox when another field input is focused (entering into a text field, for example)
- NOT be removed from a radio or checkbox when the document is clicked (or anything other than focusing on a new field)
Number Fields
Number Fields validate that a number has been entered and do not allow non-numeric characters to be typed in. To add a number field to your form, click on the Number Field in the Form Builder Tools and drag the field over to your form.
Number fields will round to the number of decimal places that are set on the field, from 0 to 2. The default is 0 decimal places. If you want a field that doesn't round at all, such as for accepting numbers like "058" without stripping out the leading zero, you would need to use a short answer field instead of a number field.
This field allows you to set a minimum and maximum value allowed as well as place a currency symbol next to the field.
Note: Number fields do not display commas as commas are not supported by the standard number field.
Add, Edit, Delete, Copy, Move Fields
Form fields are the questions that make up a form. To add a field to your form, go to the Build tab of your form and choose the form field from the left side of the screen.
While we do not limit the number of fields you can add to a form, you will notice decreased builder performance as the number of fields you add increases. This number is not a set threshold, rather a factor of the number of fields, those field types, and the options and text contained within those fields.
Be sure to use a field that is appropriate for the type of content you want to use in that field. For example, if you want to put a lengthy bit of text into the field, we recommend using a Long Answer Field.
Please note: To ensure that all of your information is saved when creating fields, be sure to remain within the field character limits. For example, our Long Answer field can contain up to 60,000 characters vs our Short Answer field which is only intended to hold simple, single-line responses. Pasting too much text into a field can cause the text to disappear when you try to save it.
Edit Fields
To edit a field, click on that field and a field editor will slide in from the left of the page. Within the field editor, you can edit the Field Type, Field Label, Field Options, Optional Sub-fields, Field Size, Field Language, and Field Logic.
To return to the list of fields, click on the blue arrow on the top left.
Delete Fields
To delete a field, click on the field then click on the delete button on the left-side edit menu. A pop-up window will appear asking you to confirm that you really want to delete the field. You can also simply mouse over the field and click the trashcan icon that appears on the right-hand side.
Please Note: If you delete a field from a form that has received submissions, the data from that field will be removed from your Submissions page.
If you accidentally delete a field, you can recover it within 7 days. Learn more about the undo feature here .
Copy Fields
To copy a field, click on the field then click on the Copy button on the left-side edit menu. You can also simply mouse over the field and click on the pages icon that appears on the right-hand side.
Please note: Fields need to be copied individually. If you want to copy multiple fields, you will need to manually copy each field and drag it to the appropriate place on the form. This can actually be done fairly quickly if you mouse over the field and click the pages icon that appears on the right-hand side.
Move Fields
To move a field, click on the field then click on the directional arrow icon that appears. You can then drag the field wherever you want it on the form.Please note: It is possible to move fields next to each other vs stacking them. You can find more information on how to build multi-column forms here.
Unique Fields
There is a "Unique" checkbox setting for each form field. This allows you to restrict submissions of the same value in that field. For example, you can allow only one submission for a particular email address or physical address. This is great for contests, surveys, and other types of forms where you want to limit multiple submissions from the same person. You can also remove options from checkbox, dropdown, or radio button fields when someone chooses them to control inventory.
Important note: Be careful how you use this field, as you don't want to accidentally prevent people from submitting to your form by making a field unique where multiple people might need to give the same answer, such as a "yes/no" field.
If you try to submit the same info twice to a unique field, you will see an error message like the one below.
Note - It is not possible to use the unique option if you have encryption on with your form.
Description Area Fields
Description Area fields allow you to insert rich text (photos, formatted text, links, etc.) into your form. To add a Description Area field to your form, drag and drop the Description Field (under "Advanced Fields") onto the Build page for your form.
The rich text editor allows you to insert formatted text, images, and links into your description area field for display on your form and can be accessed by selecting the Description Area field you've added to your Form and clicking on the edit option on the left.
A few tips:
- If you'd like to hyperlink any text in your description area, click the hyperlink button. If you need to add an email address, use the hyperlink button and enter "mailto:(insertemailaddresshere)" - this will allow the clicked link to open a new email message.
- You can align the text in different ways (center, left, etc.) by clicking the "Align" button in the Description area editor.
- We have gotten several questions about being able to include Description Area fields in a confirmation email. Unfortunately, there is no Custom ID for this field that can be included in a Confirmation Email. However, you can edit your Confirmation Email to include the same content as the Description Area field by going to Emails and Redirects > Add a Confirmation Email > Custom Message and pasting your content there.
- Make sure to click Save after any changes you make on the top right while on the editor.
Below is an example of what a description area field looks like on a form.
Short Answer Fields
Short Answer Fields are intended for simple single-line responses like first name, company name, favorite band, etc. Short Answer Fields can also be used to do calculations. It is not possible to send text from one Short Answer Field to another on the form, only numbers for calculations.
To add a Short Answer Field to your form, click on the Short Answer Field in the Form Builder Tools section on the left-hand side of the screen and drag it to the appropriate place on your form.
After adding your field to your Form, you can select it and see a variety of changes You can make to the field on the left hand side. Changes like making the field required, adding supporting text and placeholder text, or hiding the label after the field is added to the form.
This is how the Short Answer Field will appear on your form.
Adding Options
You can add Options to the Short Answer Field to allow autofill options for your end user. This allows you to set values for the field so a user does not have to fill in the entire field but can select suggestions you've provided.
There are a few different ways to add your options for your Short Answer Field under the Field-Specific section:
1) You can click on the plus sign to add more Options one by one
2) You can click the Autocomplete Editor to manage your list of Options.
3) You can link to a Smart list that can be used across all Forms on your account. Any time a smart list is updated, it will automatically update on all forms that are linked.
Min/Max Characters
It is possible to limit the text that a user can put into the field, you can do so by setting the minimum or maximum number of characters. You cannot set a limit by the number of words.
Unique IDs and Short Answer Fields
Every form submission in the database is given a unique ID number. These unique IDs are stored in the database. You can see the unique ID for a submission by clicking on that submission in the database and viewing the detailed info page for that submission.
Please note: Since unique ID numbers apply to a form submission as a whole, you cannot assign a separate unique ID to a Short Answer Field. Instead, Short Answer Fields are automatically assigned their own special ID numbers. For example, if you want to include info from a Short Answer Field in a confirmation email, the field will automatically be available on the "Insert Field" list. When you click on the field in the list, it will appear in the body of the email with a special number unique to that field.
File Upload Fields with Formstack Forms
File Upload Fields are used to provide users the ability to attach files to their form submissions, such as photos, PDFs or other documents. You may only upload up to 2 GB(2048 MB) of data per form submission (not per file upload field). This limit cannot be increased as we use browser-based file uploads that will time out with larger files. We also support the ability to add multiple files per upload field.
It's important to note that we updated our File Upload field during April, 2024. by default, any new Form that's being created after that will have access to this field, but any older Form can also toggle this option by selecting your Forms settings in the top right as pictured below.Note If you don't see this option, it's possible you're using an older version of our Form builder and can follow the steps in this article to update to our most recent form version.
File Upload Field Overview
To add a file upload field to your form, click on File Upload and drag it into your form.
Once you've added your field, you can click on the field and make adjustments based on your needs from the general and field specific settings on the left. Under the field-specific section, it's possible to allow for multiple file uploads and you can adjust the maximum number for up to 20 files per field.
Under the same section, you can also adjust the file size and you can delete or add file extensions to allow whatever file types you like. If you only wanted to allow people to upload image files, you would want to allow just these extensions: jpg, jpeg, gif, png,bmp, tif, psd. If you know your form users will need to upload a zip file: allow a zip extension. Edit the allowed extensions under the "File Types" area in the File Upload field editor.
It's important to note you can configure the file size for a maximum of up to 2GB(2048 MB) and this field is only capable of uploading one file at a time. If you need the ability to add multiple files, we'd recommend you add separate fields for the total number of file uploads, but note that each form submission is limited to a total submission size of 2 GB (2048 MB).
Please note: You can also adjust the limit on the number of File uploads per submission by navigating to the Form Extras section on the top right, for a maximum of up to 50 file uploads per submission. This is what a file upload field will look like on your form with the listed max file size that would've been configured on the field (although it will appear a bit differently in different browsers or devices and the colors will depend on your theme).
File Name Settings
By default, the Field ID associated with the File Upload field will be appended to the file names uploaded. You can adjust this setting within your form's General Settings page under "Data".
File Uploads and Notification Emails
In a form's settings, under Settings > E-mails & Actions > Notification E-mails, you can specify whether you'd like to receive the file uploads as attachments in notification emails, or if you'd only like to receive them as attachments and specify the size, anything from 1MB - 14 MB. This is due to a limit by our email provider. If you instead choose not to receive the files as attachments or they are over the 14 MB your emails will contain a link to where you can view or download the file.
How to Replace or Delete Uploaded Files
If you need to replace or delete a file that was uploading through one of your forms, browse to the Submissions tab for that form and click on the date of the submission of the file you want to modify.
Then, click on the "Edit" icon.
Once you're on the edit page for that file, you can click on the link that says "Remove current file" in order to replace or remove that uploaded file.
Click "Delete file" when the warning message pops up to permanently remove the file.
Now, you can either click save or upload another file to the submission.
Note: If you choose to encrypt your data, the file uploads you collect will not be encrypted. Therefore, if you plan to collect sensitive documents, you may opt to use a 3rd party solution like our Box integration, for more secure file management. For more information on Box security click here. This option requires adding outside code to your Form and may not be fully supported or comply with other Formstack Form Settings.
Account Storage
Each form submission is limited to a total submission size of 2 GB (2048 MB). The amount of total storage space you have for file uploads depends on the plan you're on.
See how much space you have left in your account by clicking your name on the top right and then choosing "Account Usage"
If you run out of account storage space, file upload fields on forms will be disabled, however, the form itself will remain active just without any file uploads being able to be captured on submissions. To extend your storage space, try integrating Box, Dropbox, Google Drive , Microsoft OneDrive , or Amazon S3 with your forms. Uploaded files will be automatically transferred to your off-site accounts and a link to the file will be available within the submission data.
It’s important to note that you are only able to upload a maximum of 500MB of data per submission and a maximum of 50 file upload fields per form when using a file upload integration
Are there any integrations that don't support multi-file upload?
The following integrations are disallowed at this time for multi-file upload: Formstack Documents, Zendesk, Google Contacts, HelpSpot.
How does multi-file work with webhooks?
Our default webhook style return structure looks like this for a single file:
"FormID": "0000000",
"UniqueID": "123456789",
"Short Answer": "test",
"File": """
If you choose to turn on multi file for a file upload field:
"FormID": "00000000",
"UniqueID": "123456789",
"Short Answer": "test",
"File": """
There are two urls included in the return value for the file
If you turn on "Standardize field value type to be consistent"
the two above examples will look like these:
"FormID": "0000000",
"UniqueID": "123456789",
"Short Answer": "test",
"File": [
"FormID": "00000000",
"UniqueID": "123456789",
"Short Answer": "test",
"File": [
Where the File field now always returns an array of URLs
Hidden Fields
If you make a field hidden, it will not show up on your form. However, hidden fields can still be used behind the scenes in calculations and to pass on default values.
Required Fields
If you make a field required, the user cannot submit your form without filling out that field.
Make a field required by either clicking on the asterisk next to the label in the form builder or by clicking the checkbox in the field editor on the left side of the builder under the general settings of the field that's been selected.
Required fields that are not filled out will be highlighted in red when the user hits the submit button.
Note: If a field has been marked as required and has multiple parts to fill out (such as Address or Name fields), then each field must have a value to allow the viewer to submit it. One exception to this is Address Line 2, which can be left blank even if an Address Field is marked as being required. Once corrected, the red highlighting will go away and the Form can be submitted
If you've selected the field option for 'Add Other' on Radio Button or Checkbox fields, then the field that appears under the Other option must be filled in if the field is marked as required. If that option is selected on a required field and no value is placed within the field, an error will be given indicating the field needs a value when the submission is attempted.
How it looks on a form
Once a value has been placed in the 'Other' field, then the highlighting/error will go away and the Form can be submitted.
If you have a multi-page form, you can turn on Skip Validation in Form Extras to allow your users to navigate between pages without worrying about filling in every required field. Each required field must be complete before submitting the form.
Long Answer Fields
Long Answer Fields are for multi-line responses and large amounts of text, such as comment boxes. To add a Long Answer Field to your form, click on the Long Answer Field in the Form Builder Tools section on the left-hand side of the screen and drag it to the appropriate place on your form.
You can make the field required, add supporting text and placeholder text, or hide the label after the field is added to the form.
Input Limits and Settings
In the field editor on the left-hand, you can change the width of the field by setting the number of columns and the height of the field by setting the number of rows. This is what the long answer field looks like on a form.
It is possible to limit the text that a user can put into the field, you can do so by setting the minimum or maximum number of characters. You cannot set a limit by the number of words.
Please Note: The input limit on these fields is 60,000 characters. If your form is set up with an integration or redirect, then the accepting program may limit how many characters are accepted in the receiving field.
Name Fields
Easily collect the name of the person filling out your form with the Name Field. This is an optional field since you can also use Short Answer Fields for first name and last name or simply use one Short Answer Field for the full name.
Note: Using Short Answer Fields is a great option if you want to ask for the last name first. All you need to do is add two short answer fields to your form, edit the Label text, and select "2 Columns" under Form Extras on the left-hand side. You can also use Short Answer Fields if you would like to split the first and last names into two different rows.
To add a Name Field to your form, click on the Name Field under Basic Fields on the left-hand side and drag it over to your form.
Optional Sub-fields
By default, first name and last name are collected on a Name Field. Optionally, you can also collect prefix, middle name, middle initial, and/or suffix. Just check the box next to the names that you wish to collect under the field-specific settings on the left.
Note: If you make the name field required all Optional Sub-fields will also be required. So, if you ask for middle names and make the first and last name required, then the middle name field will be set as required also.
Placeholder Text
Placeholder text is text displayed within a standard short or long answer text field as well as email and phone number fields. It can be used as a substitute for a field label or can provide more information about the information that needs to be collected by that field. The grey text will disappear as soon as the end user starts typing.
Note: This feature is only available on the latest forms version. For more information on updating your forms please see this doc.
To add placeholder text, click on the field, then type in the text you want to show within the field into the "Placeholder" text box on the left side of the builder.
If you'd like to use that text as a replacement for your field label (just in case you need to make your field names equivalent to the CRM you're passing data to), just change the label to whatever you need it to be, then click "Hide Label" option.
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