SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud

Modified on Tue, 13 Aug, 2024 at 8:49 AM

SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud (further on referred to as SAP S/4HANA) modules allow you to monitor, list, retrieve, and update all your invoices, orders, payments, business partners, and credit memos in your SAP S/4HANA account.


To use SAP S/4HANA in Make, you must have the Enterprise plan.

All Enterprise apps are currently labeled as premium tier 3 in Make.

To get started with the SAP S/4HANA, create an account at

Connecting SAP S/4HANA to Make

To connect your SAP S/4HANA account to Make you need to create a communication system and user and obtain your SAP Client ID, User Name, and Password from your SAP S/4HANA account.

Generate Connection Credentials

  1. Access your SAP Fiori launchpad and go to the Communication Systems app.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a System ID.


    The system name is generated automatically. However, you can change this name if you want to.

  4. Click Create.

  5. On the Communication System screen, enter a hostname. Since this communication system is only used for inbound calls, no hostname needs to be specified.

  6. In the User for Inbound Communication section, click Add to create a new communication user.

  7. In the dialog box, click New User.



    Alternatively, you can create a communication user via the Maintain Communication Users app. If you have already created a user, enter the user in the User Name field.

  8. On the Create Communication User screen, enter a user name (for example, SAMPLEAPP_API_USER) and a description (for example, Communication user for Business Event Handling Sample App). Copy this username to your clipboard.

  9. Click Propose Password or create one yourself. Copy this new password to your clipboard.

  10. Click Create.

  11. You redirect to the New Inbound Communication User dialog box. The authentication method is User Name and Password. Click OK.

  12. Click Save.

  13. Under Technical Data, copy the Port number to your clipboard. This is the SAP Client ID needed to create a connection to Make.

Establish a Connection to Make

  1. Log in to your Make account, add any SAP S/4HANA module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.

  2. Enter your Host URL. For example,

  3. In the SAP Client ID field, enter your 3-digit SAP Client ID which is the Port number on your Communication Systemscreen in SAP.

  4. In the Username and Password fields, enter your login credentials for your SAP account.

  5. In the Service field, enter the Service you are using. For example, API_BUSINESS_PARTNER.


    You can browse all SAP S/4HANA ODATA v2 API here. This field is for connection validation only.

  6. Optionally, you can select how long until your CSRF token expires and click Save.

You have successfully connected the app and can edit or add more SAP S/4HANA modules to the scenario.

Supplier Invoice

Triggers when a supplier invoice is created.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.


Select the type of invoices you want to watch for.


Enter the maximum number of invoices Make returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Retrieves a list of supplier invoices filtered by criteria.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Type of Filter

Select the type of filter you want to use. The Simple filter allows you to select filters from a list. You can also build your own Custom filter using the OData syntax.

Order By

Select how you want to order the results.

  • By a specific property

  • Ascending or descending


Select the type of invoices you want to search for.


Enter the maximum number of invoices Make returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Creates a new supplier invoice.


For the full list of variables and parameters for creating your supplier invoice, please refer to the SAP S/4HANA API reference documentation for Sourcing and Procurement.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Company Code

Enter the company code.

Document Date

Enter the invoice date. See the list of supported date examples.

Posting Date

Enter the posting date. See the list of supported date examples.

Supplier Invoice ID By Invoicing Party

Enter the invoice reference number.

Invoicing Party

Enter the invoicing party.

Document Currency

Enter the invoice currency.

Invoice Gross Amount

Enter the invoice gross amount.


You must use the same currency throughout.

Unplanned Delivery Cost

Enter any unplanned delivery costs.

Document Header Text

Enter the text of your invoice header.

Manual Cash Discount

Enter the cash discount amount in document currency.

Payment Terms

Enter the agreement of cash discounts for a payment.

Due Calculation Base Date

Enter the baseline date for due-date calculation. See the list of supported date examples.

Cash Discount 1 Percent

Enter the percentage of the maximum cash discount.

Cash Discount 1 Days

Enter the number of days of the maximum cash discount.

Cash Discount 2 Percent

Enter the percentage of the normal cash discount.

Cash Discount 2 Days

Enter the number of days of the normal cash discount.

Net Payment Days

Enter the net payment terms period.

Payment Blocking Reason

Enter the reason why the processing of a payment is blocked.

Accounting Document Type

Enter the document type of the supplier invoice.

BP Bank Account Internal ID

Enter the ID of the bank account.

Supplier Invoice Status

Enter the status of the supplier invoice.

Indirect Quoted Exchange Rate

Enter the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another according to the indirect quotation method. Enter the data as follows:

  • 1 Unit Currency (UC) = X Quoted Currency (QC)

  • Unit Currency = Document Currency

  • Quoted Currency = Local Currency

Direct Quoted Exchange Rate

Enter the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another according to the direct quotation method. Enter the data as follows:

  • 1 Unit Currency (UC) = X Quoted Currency (QC)

  • Unit Currency = Document Currency

  • Quoted Currency = Local Currency

State Central Bank Payment Reason

Enter the reason that payment is needed for the report to the state central bank.

Supplying Country

Enter the supplying country.

Payment Method

Enter the payment method.

Payment Method Supplement

Enter the payment method supplement.

Payment Reference

Enter the payment reference.


When an outgoing payment is made, the payment reference can be passed on to the relevant financial institute and from there to the payee.

When you are processing your account statement, you can use the payment reference to determine which items you have paid and then clear them.

Invoice Reference

Enter the document number of a referenced supplier invoice document. This field can only be filled for credit memos.

Invoice Reference Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year of a referenced supplier invoice document.

Fixed Cash Discount

Enter the fixed cash discount.


This iIndicates that the first or second cash discount term can be taken advantage of irrespective of whether the corresponding period has elapsed.

Unplanned Delivery Cost Tax Code

Enter the tax code used to post unplanned delivery costs.

Unplnd Deliv Cost Tax Jurisdiction

Enter the tax jurisdiction for determining tax rates for unplanned delivery costs.

Assignment Reference

Enter the number of the assignment reference.

Supplier Posting Line Item Text

Enter any text regarding the supplier posting line.

Tax Is Calculated Automatically

Select whether tax is to be calculated automatically.

Business Place

Enter the place of business.


For example, in Thailand, the business place is the basic organizational unit used for tax reporting and for assigning official document numbers.

Business Section Code

Enter the business section code. This is country or region dependant.

Business Area

Enter the area of business.


This is an organizational unit of financial accounting that represents a separate area of operations or responsibilities within an organization.

Supplier Invoice Is Credit Memo

Enter whether the document is an invoice or a credit memo:

  • t = redit memo

  • f = invoice

Payt Slip Wth Ref Subscriber

Valid only in country/region: CH (Switzerland)

Every supplier who participates in the special payment procedure of the Swiss Postal Service, receives a subscriber number.

Payt Slip Wth Ref Check Digit

Valid only in country/region: CH (Switzerland)

This field contains, for example, the check digit for the amount.

The rules for forming a check digit are set by the Swiss Postal Service.

Payt Slip Wth Ref Reference

Valid only in country/region: CH (Switzerland)

This parameter is used as a reference to the supplier invoice in payment transactions.

The check digit routine of the Swiss Postal Service is used for checking the field.

Tax Reporting Date

Enter the date on which the tax must be reported to the tax authority.

Tax Fulfillment Date

Enter the date on which the taxes on sales/purchases is due. The tax fulfillment date supplements the tax reporting date that specifies the date on which the tax must be reported to the tax authority. See the list of supported date examples.

Invoice Receipt Date

Enter the invoice receipt date. See the list of supported date examples.

Delivery Of Goods Reporting Cntry

Enter any reporting information about goods delivery within the European Union (EU).

Supplier VAT Registration

Enter the VAT registration number of the supplier.

Is EU Triangular Deal

Select whether the triangular deals within the EU.

Suplr Invc Debit Crdt Code Delivery

Enter the posting logic for delivery items (invoice/credit memo).

Suplr Invc Debit Crdt Code Returns

Enter the posting logic for return items (invoice/credit memo).

GST Partner

Enter the GST partner.


In India, this indicates the GST partner, that is, organizations or individuals with which a company maintains business relations for procurement and sale of goods and services. The system uses the GST partner to calculate GST (Goods and Services Tax).

GST Place Of Supply

Enter the GST place of supply.


In India, this specifies a two-character code that identifies the region where the goods and services are consumed. The system uses this code to calculate Goods and Services Tax (GST) at the time of invoice verification.

Invoice Reference Number

Enter the invoice reference number in India.

Jrnl Entry Cntry Specific Ref 1

Enter the country or region specific reference 1 in the invoice document.

Jrnl Entry Cntry Specific Date 1

Enter the country or region specific date 1 in the invoice document. See the list of supported date examples.

Jrnl Entry Cntry Specific Ref 2

Enter the country or region specific reference 2 in the invoice document.

Jrnl Entry Cntry Specific Date 2

Enter the country or region specific date 2 in the invoice document. See the list of supported date examples.

Jrnl Entry Cntry Specific Ref 3

Enter the country or region specific reference 3 in the invoice document.

Jrnl Entry Cntry Specific Date 3

Enter the country or region specific date 3 in the invoice document. See the list of supported date examples.

Jrnl Entry Cntry Specific Ref 4

Enter the country or region specific reference 4 in the invoice document.

Jrnl Entry Cntry Specific Date 4

Enter the country or region specific date 4 in the invoice document. See the list of supported date examples.

Jrnl Entry Cntry Specific Ref 5

Enter the country or region specific reference 5 in the invoice document.

Jrnl Entry Cntry Specific Date 5

Enter the country or region specific date 5 in the invoice document. See the list of supported date examples.

Jrnl Entry Cntry SpecificBP 1

Enter the country or region specific business partner 1 in the invoice document.

Jrnl Entry Cntry SpecificBP 2

Enter the country or region specific business partner 2 in the invoice document.

Suplr Invc Item Pur Ord Ref

Enter any additional information regarding the supplier invoice purchase order items.

Supplier Invoice Item GL Acct

Enter any additional information regarding the supplier invoice item and global account.

Supplier Invoice Tax

Enter any additional supplier invoice tax information.

Supplier Invoice Whldg Tax

Enter any additional information regarding supplier invoice withholding tax.

Retrieves the details of a supplier invoice by the supplier invoice number and fiscal year.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Supplier Invoice

Enter the document number of the supplier invoice you want to retrieve.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year of the supplier invoice you want to retrieve. For example: 2022.


Select the type of invoice you want to retrieve.

Deletes a supplier invoice that has not been posted by the supplier invoice number and fiscal year.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Supplier Invoice

Enter the document number of the supplier invoice you want to delete.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year of the supplier invoice you want to delete. For example: 2022.

Releases a blocked supplier invoice by the supplier invoice number and fiscal year.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Supplier Invoice

Enter the document number of the supplier invoice you want to release.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year of the supplier invoice you want to release. For example: 2022.

Discount Days Have To Be Shifted

Select whether you want to shift the discount days.

Reverses a supplier invoice by the supplier invoice number and fiscal year.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Supplier Invoice

Enter the document number of the supplier invoice you want to cancel.

Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year of the supplier invoice you want to cancel. For example: 2022.

Posting Date

Enter the date that the supplier invoice was posted. See the list of supported date examples.

Reversal Reason

Enter the reason you want to cancel the supplier invoice.

Purchase Order

Triggers when a purchase order is created.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.


Select the type of purchase order you want to watch for.


Enter the maximum number of purchase orders Make returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Retrieves a list of purchase orders filtered by criteria.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Type of Filter

Select the type of filter you want to use. The Simple filter allows you to select filters from a list. You can also build your own Custom filter using the OData syntax.

Order By

Select how you want to order the results.

  • By a specific property

  • Ascending or descending


Select the type of purchase order you want to search for.


Enter the maximum number of purchase orders Make returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Creates a new purchase order.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Purchase Order

Enter the number of the purchase order you want to create.

Company Code

Enter the company code.

Purchase Order Type

Enter the type of purchase order you want to create.


Enter the business partner who offers or provides materials or services for the purchase order.


Enter the language.

Payment Terms

Enter the terms of the payment.

Cash Discount 1 Days

Enter the number of days of the maximum cash discount.

Cash Discount 2 Days

Enter the number of days of the normal cash discount.

Cash Discount 1 Percent

Enter the percentage of the maximum cash discount.

Cash Discount 2 Percent

Enter the percentage of the normal cash discount.

Purchasing Organization

Enter the purchasing organization.

Purchasing Group

Enter the purchasing group.

Purchase Order Date

Enter the date on which the purchase order has been placed. See the list of supported date examples.

Document Currency

Enter the document currency key.

Exchange Rate

Enter the exchange rate used for the translation between foreign currency and local currency.

Exchange Rate Is Fixed

Select whether you want to fix the exchange rate in the purchase order.

Validity Start Date

Enter the date when the purchase order is valid from. See the list of supported date examples.

Validity End Date

Enter the date when the purchase order is valid until. See the list of supported date examples.

Supplier Quotation External ID

Enter the external quotation ID on the supplier’s side.

Supplier Resp Sales Person Name

Enter the responsible sales person at the supplier’s office.

Supplier Phone Number

Enter the supplier’s telephone number.

Supplying Supplier

Enter the supplying supplier.

Supplying Plant

Enter the supplying plant.

Incoterms Classification

Enter the Incoterms classification.

Correspnc External Reference

Enter the reference ID that is provided by the external party and that is used in correspondence.

Correspnc Internal Reference

Enter the reference ID that is provided by the internal party and that is used in correspondence.

Invoicing Party

Enter the account of the invoicing party.

Purchasing Completeness Status

Enter the completeness status of the purchase order.

Incoterms Version

Enter the Incoterms version.

Incoterms Location 1

Enter the first Incoterms location.

Incoterms Location 2

Enter the second Incoterms location.

Address City Name

Enter the city name.

Address Fax Number

Enter the fax number.

Address House Number

Enter the house number.

Address Name

Enter the address name.

Address Postal Code

Enter the postal code.

Address Street Name

Enter the street name.

Address Phone Number

Enter the phone number. Include the dialing code and number.

Address Region

Enter the region (state, province, county).

Address Country

Enter the country key.

Address Correspondence Language

Enter the correspondence language.

Purchase Order Item

Add any additional information about purchase order items.

Purchase Order Note

Add any additional information about purchase order notes.

Retrieves the details of a purchase order by the purchase order number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Purchase Order

Enter the number of the purchase order you want to retrieve.


Select the type of purchase order you want to retrieve.

Updates a purchase order by the purchase order number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Purchase Order

Enter the number of the purchase order you want to update.

Company Code

Enter the company code.

Purchase Order Type

Enter the type of purchase order you want to update.


Enter the business partner who offers or provides materials or services for the purchase order.


Enter the language.

Payment Terms

Enter the terms of the payment.

Cash Discount 1 Days

Enter the number of days of the maximum cash discount.

Cash Discount 2 Days

Enter the number of days of the normal cash discount.

Net Payment Days

Enter the net payment terms period.

Cash Discount 1 Percent

Enter the percentage of the maximum cash discount.

Cash Discount 2 Percent

Enter the percentage of the normal cash discount.

Purchasing Organization

Enter the purchasing organization.

Purchasing Group

Enter the purchasing group.

Purchase Order Date

Enter the date on which the purchase order has been placed. See the list of supported date examples.

Document Currency

Enter the document currency key.

Exchange Rate

Enter the exchange rate used for the translation between foreign currency and local currency.

Exchange Rate Is Fixed

Select whether you want to fix the exchange rate in the purchase order.

Validity Start Date

Enter the date when the purchase order is valid from. See the list of supported date examples.

Validity End Date

Enter the date when the purchase order is valid until. See the list of supported date examples.

Supplier Quotation External ID

Enter the external quotation ID on the supplier’s side.

Supplier Resp Sales Person Name

Enter the responsible sales person at the supplier’s office.

Supplier Phone Number

Enter the supplier’s telephone number.

Supplying Supplier

Enter the supplying supplier.

Supplying Plant

Enter the supplying plant.

Incoterms Classification

Enter the Incoterms classification.

Correspnc External Reference

Enter the reference ID that is provided by the external party and that is used in correspondence.

Correspnc Internal Reference

Enter the reference ID that is provided by the internal party and that is used in correspondence.

Invoicing Party

Enter the account of the invoicing party.

Purchasing Completeness Status

Enter the completeness status of the purchase order.

Incoterms Version

Enter the Incoterms version.

Incoterms Location 1

Enter the first Incoterms location.

Incoterms Location 2

Enter the second Incoterms location.

Address City Name

Enter the city name.

Address Fax Number

Enter the fax number.

Address House Number

Enter the house number.

Address Name

Enter the address name.

Address Postal Code

Enter the postal code.

Address Street Name

Enter the street name.

Address Phone Number

Enter the phone number. Include the dialing code and number.

Address Region

Enter the region (state, province, county).

Address Country

Enter the country key.

Address Correspondence Language

Enter the correspondence language.

Deletes all items of a purchase order that has been posted by the purchase order number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Purchase Order

Enter the number of the purchase order you want to delete.

Retrieves a list of items in a purchase order filtered by criteria.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Type of Filter

Select the type of filter you want to use. The Simple filter allows you to select filters from a list. You can also build your own Custom filter using the OData syntax.

Order By

Select how you want to order the results.

  • By a specific property

  • Ascending or descending


Select the type of purchase order item you want to search for.


Enter the maximum number of items Make returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Adds an item to a purchase order by the purchase order number.


For the full list of variables and parameters for adding a purchase order item, please refer to the SAP S/4HANA API reference documentation for Sourcing and Procurement.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Purchase Order

Enter the number of the purchase order you want to add your item to.

Purchase Order Item

Enter the purchase order item number.

Purchase Order Item Text

Enter a short text for the purchase order item.


Enter the plant.

Storage Location

Enter the storage location.

Material Group

Enter the material group.

Purchasing Info Record

Enter the number of of the purchasing info record.

Supplier Material Number

Enter the material number used by the supplier.

Order Quantity

Enter the purchase order quantity.

Purchase Order Quantity Unit

Enter the purchase order unit of measurement. This specifies the unit of measure in which the item is ordered.

Order Price Unit

Enter the order price unit (Purchasing).

Order Price Unit To Order Unit Nmrtr

Enter the numerator for conversion of order price unit into order unit.

Ord Price Unit To Order Unit Dnmntr

Enter the denominator for conversion of order price unit into order unit.

Net Price Amount

Enter the net price in the purchasing document (in document currency).

Net Price Quantity

Enter the net price unit.

Tax Code

Enter the tax on sales and purchases code.

Shipping Instruction

Enter any additional shipping instructions.

Tax Determination Date

Enter the tax determination date. See the list of supported date examples.

Tax Country

Enter the tax reporting country or region.

Price Is To Be Printed

Select whether to include a price printout.

Overdeliv Tolrtd Lmt Ratio In Pct

Enter the overdelivery tolerance limit.

Unlimited Overdelivery Is Allowed

Select whether an unlimited overdelivery is allowed for the item.

Underdeliv Tolrtd Lmt Ratio In Pct

Enter the underdelivery tolerance limit.

Valuation Type

Enter the valuation type.

Is Completely Delivered

Select the indicator for status “Completely delivered”.

Is Finally Invoiced

Select the final invoice indicator.

Purchase Order Item Category

Enter the item category in the purchasing document.

Account Assignment Category

Enter the account assignment category.

Multiple Acct Assgmt Distribution

Enter the distribution indicator for multiple account assignment.

Partial Invoice Distribution

Enter how invoice amounts in partial invoices are to be distributed.

Goods Receipt Is Expected

Select whether a goods receipt is allowed and expected.

Goods Receipt Is Non Valuated

Select whether a goods receipt is non-valuated.

Invoice Is Expected

Select whether an invoice is allowed and expected.

Invoice Is Goods Receipt Based

Select whether the invoice verification is goods receipt-based.

Purchase Contract

Enter the number of the principal purchase agreement.

Purchase Contract Item

Enter the item number of the principal purchase agreement.


Enter the number of the customer for whom a material is to be delivered.


Enter the supplier who is to receive delivery.

Supplier Is Subcontractor

Select whether the supplier is a subcontractor.

Item Net Weight

Enter the net weight on item level.

Item Weight Unit

Enter the unit of weight on item level.

Tax Jurisdiction

Enter the tax jurisdiction.

Pricing Date Control

Enter the price determination (Pricing) data control.

Item Volume

Enter the item volume.

Item Volume Unit

Enter the volume unit.

Supplier Confirmation Control Key

Enter the supplier confirmation control key.

Incoterms Classification

Enter the Incoterms classification.

Incoterms Transfer Location

Enter the Incoterms transfer location.

Evald Rcpt Settlmt Is Allowed

Select whether to include an evaluated receipt settlement (ERS).

Purchase Requisition

Enter the purchase requisition number.

Purchase Requisition Item

Enter the item number of purchase requisition.

Is Returns Item

Select whether or not the item is a returns item.

Requisitioner Name

Enter the name of requisitioner/requester.

Service Package

Enter the package number.

Earmarked Funds

Enter the document number for earmarked funds

Earmarked Funds Item

Enter the earmarked funds line item.

Incoterms Location 1

Enter the first Incoterms location.

Incoterms Location 2

Enter the second Incoterms location.


Enter the material number.

International Article Number

Enter the international Article Number (EAN/UPC).

Manufacturer Material

Enter the material number corresponding to manufacturer part number.

Service Performer

Enter the service performer.

Product Type

Enter the product type group.

Expected Overall Limit Amount

Enter the expected value of overall limit.

Overall Limit Amount

Enter the overall limit amount.

Pur Contract For Overall Limit

Enter the purchase contract for enhanced limit.

Purchasing Parent Item

Enter any higher-level item in purchasing documents.

Reference Delivery Address ID

Enter the number of the delivery address.

Delivery Address Name

Enter the address name.

Delivery Address Name 2

Enter the second address name.

Delivery Address Street Name

Enter the street name.

Delivery Address House Number

Enter the house number.

Delivery Address City Name

Enter the city name.

Delivery Address Postal Code

Enter the postal code.

Delivery Address Region

Enter the region (state, province, county).

Delivery Address Country

Enter the country key.

Delivery Address District Name

Enter the district.

Down Payment Type

Enter the down payment indicator.

Down Payment Percentage Of Tot Amt

Enter the down payment percentage.

Down Payment Amount

Enter the down payment amount in document currency.

Down Payment Due Date

Enter the due date for the down payment.

Material Usage

Enter the usage of the material.

Material Origin

Enter the origin of the material.

CFOP Category

Enter the CFOP category od the material.

Is Produced In House

Select whether or not the item is produced in-house.

Consumption Tax Ctrl Code

Enter the Brazilian NCM tax code.

Purchase Order

Add an additional purchase order.

Account Assignment

Add an additional account assignment.

Purchase Order Item Note

Add an additional purchase order item note.

Purchase Order Pricing Element

Add an additional purchase order pricing element.

Schedule Line

Add an additional schedule line.

Retrieves the details of an item in a purchase order by the purchase order number and item number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Purchase Order

Enter the number of the purchase order you want to retrieve an item from.

Purchase Order Item

Enter the number of the purchase order item you want to retrieve.


Select the type of purchase order item you want to retrieve.

Updates a purchase order item by the purchase order number and item number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Purchase Order

Enter the number of the purchase order you want to update your item in.

Purchase Order Item

Enter the purchase order item number.

Purchase Order Item Text

Enter a short text for the purchase order item.


Enter the plant.

Storage Location

Enter the storage location.

Material Group

Enter the material group.

Purchasing Info Record

Enter the number of of the purchasing info record.

Supplier Material Number

Enter the material number used by the supplier.

Order Quantity

Enter the purchase order quantity.

Purchase Order Quantity Unit

Enter the purchase order unit of measurement. This specifies the unit of measure in which the item is ordered.

Order Price Unit

Enter the order price unit (Purchasing).

Order Price Unit To Order Unit Nmrtr

Enter the numerator for conversion of order price unit into order unit.

Ord Price Unit To Order Unit Dnmntr

Enter the denominator for conversion of order price unit into order unit.

Net Price Amount

Enter the net price in the purchasing document (in document currency).

Net Price Quantity

Enter the net price unit.

Tax Code

Enter the tax on sales and purchases code.

Shipping Instruction

Enter any additional shipping instructions.

Tax Determination Date

Enter the tax determination date. See the list of supported date examples.

Tax Country

Enter the tax reporting country or region.

Price Is To Be Printed

Select whether to include a price printout.

Overdeliv Tolrtd Lmt Ratio In Pct

Enter the overdelivery tolerance limit.

Unlimited Overdelivery Is Allowed

Select whether an unlimited overdelivery is allowed for the item.

Underdeliv Tolrtd Lmt Ratio In Pct

Enter the underdelivery tolerance limit.

Valuation Type

Enter the valuation type.

Is Completely Delivered

Select the indicator for status “Completely delivered”.

Is Finally Invoiced

Select the final invoice indicator.

Purchase Order Item Category

Enter the item category in the purchasing document.

Account Assignment Category

Enter the account assignment category.

Multiple Acct Assgmt Distribution

Enter the distribution indicator for multiple account assignment.

Partial Invoice Distribution

Enter how invoice amounts in partial invoices are to be distributed.

Goods Receipt Is Expected

Select whether a goods receipt is allowed and expected.

Goods Receipt Is Non Valuated

Select whether a goods receipt is non-valuated.

Invoice Is Expected

Select whether an invoice is allowed and expected.

Invoice Is Goods Receipt Based

Select whether the invoice verification is goods receipt-based.

Purchase Contract

Enter the number of the principal purchase agreement.

Purchase Contract Item

Enter the item number of the principal purchase agreement.


Enter the number of the customer for whom a material is to be delivered.


Enter the supplier who is to receive delivery.

Supplier Is Subcontractor

Select whether the supplier is a subcontractor.

Item Net Weight

Enter the net weight on item level.

Item Weight Unit

Enter the unit of weight on item level.

Tax Jurisdiction

Enter the tax jurisdiction.

Pricing Date Control

Enter the price determination (Pricing) data control.

Item Volume

Enter the item volume.

Item Volume Unit

Enter the volume unit.

Supplier Confirmation Control Key

Enter the supplier confirmation control key.

Incoterms Classification

Enter the Incoterms classification.

Incoterms Transfer Location

Enter the Incoterms transfer location.

Evald Rcpt Settlmt Is Allowed

Select whether to include an evaluated receipt settlement (ERS).

Purchase Requisition

Enter the purchase requisition number.

Purchase Requisition Item

Enter the item number of purchase requisition.

Is Returns Item

Select whether or not the item is a returns item.

Requisitioner Name

Enter the name of requisitioner/requester.

Service Package

Enter the package number.

Earmarked Funds

Enter the document number for earmarked funds

Earmarked Funds Item

Enter the earmarked funds line item.

Incoterms Location 1

Enter the first Incoterms location.

Incoterms Location 2

Enter the second Incoterms location.


Enter the material number.

International Article Number

Enter the international Article Number (EAN/UPC).

Manufacturer Material

Enter the material number corresponding to manufacturer part number.

Service Performer

Enter the service performer.

Product Type

Enter the product type group.

Expected Overall Limit Amount

Enter the expected value of overall limit.

Overall Limit Amount

Enter the overall limit amount.

Pur Contract For Overall Limit

Enter the purchase contract for enhanced limit.

Purchasing Parent Item

Enter any higher-level item in purchasing documents.

Reference Delivery Address ID

Enter the number of the delivery address.

Delivery Address Name

Enter the address name.

Delivery Address Name 2

Enter the second address name.

Delivery Address Street Name

Enter the street name.

Delivery Address House Number

Enter the house number.

Delivery Address City Name

Enter the city name.

Delivery Address Postal Code

Enter the postal code.

Delivery Address Region

Enter the region (state, province, county).

Delivery Address Country

Enter the country key.

Delivery Address District Name

Enter the district.

Down Payment Type

Enter the down payment indicator.

Down Payment Percentage Of Tot Amt

Enter the down payment percentage.

Down Payment Amount

Enter the down payment amount in document currency.

Down Payment Due Date

Enter the due date for the down payment.

Material Usage

Enter the usage of the material.

Material Origin

Enter the origin of the material.

CFOP Category

Enter the CFOP category od the material.

Is Produced In House

Select whether or not the item is produced in-house.

Consumption Tax Ctrl Code

Enter the Brazilian NCM tax code.

Purchase Order

Add an additional purchase order.

Account Assignment

Add an additional account assignment.

Purchase Order Item Note

Add an additional purchase order item note.

Purchase Order Pricing Element

Add an additional purchase order pricing element.

Schedule Line

Add an additional schedule line.

Deletes an item in a purchase order by the purchase order number and item number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Purchase Order

Enter the document number of the purchase order you want to delete an item from.

Purchase Order Item

Enter the number of the purchase order item you want to delete.

Sales Order

Triggers when a sales order is created or updated.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.


Select the type of sales order you want to watch for.


Enter the maximum number of sales orders Make returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Retrieves a list of sales orders filtered by criteria.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Type of Filter

Select the type of filter you want to use. The Simple filter allows you to select filters from a list. You can also build your own Custom filter using the OData syntax.

Order By

Select how you want to order the results.

  • By a specific property

  • Ascending or descending


Select the type of sales order you want to search for.


Enter the maximum number of sales orders Make returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Creates a new sales order.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Sales Order

Enter the number of the sales order you want to create.

Sales Order Type

Enter the type of sales order you want to create.

Sales Organization

Enter the organizational unit responsible for the sales order.

Distribution Channel

Enter the distribution channel. Typical examples of distribution channels are wholesale, retail, or direct sales.

Organization Division

Enter the organization division.

Sales Group

Enter the group of sales people responsible for the sales order.

Sales Office

Enter the sales office.

Sales District

Enter the sales district.

Sold To Party

Enter the customer who orders the goods or services. The sold-to party is contractually responsible for sales orders.

Purchase Order By Customer

Enter the customer reference number that the customer uses to uniquely identify a purchasing document (for example, a sales inquiry or a purchase order).

Purchase Order By Ship To Party

Enter the number used by the end customer for unique identification of the purchasing document (for example, an inquiry or a purchase).

Customer Purchase Order Type

Enter the way in which the sales order arrives from the customer, for example, by telephone or e-mail.

Customer Purchase Order Date

Enter the reference date that is shown on the customer's purchase order. This date can be, for example, the date on which the customer created the purchase order. See the list of supported date examples.

Sales Order Date

Enter the date on which you want the sales order to become effective for sales management purposes. See the list of supported date examples.

Transaction Currency

Enter the currency that applies to the sales order.

SD Document Reason

Enter the reason for creating the sales order.

Pricing Date

Enter the date that determines date-related pricing elements, such as conditions and foreign exchange rate. See the list of supported date examples.

Price Detn Exchange Rate

Enter the exchange rate for price determination.

Billing Plan

Enter the billing plan or invoice plan number.

Requested Delivery Date

Enter the requested delivery date. See the list of supported date examples.

Shipping Condition

Enter the general shipping strategy for the delivery of goods from the supplier to the customer.

Complete Delivery Is Defined

Select whether to complete delivery defined for each sales order.

Shipping Type

Enter the shipping type (for example, by road or rail) that has been selected for the transportation of the goods for the shipment legs.

Header Billing Block Reason

Enter the reason if the entire sales order is blocked for billing.

Delivery Block Reason

Enter the reason if an entire sales order is blocked for delivery.

Delivery Date Type Rule

Enter any delivery date type rules.

Incoterms Classification

Enter the Incoterms classification. These are commonly used trading terms that comply with the standards established by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Incoterms Transfer Location

Enter any additional information for the primary Incoterm.

Incoterms Location 1

Enter the first Incoterms location.

Incoterms Location 2

Enter the second Incoterms location.

Incoterms Version

Enter the Incoterm edition.

Customer Price Group

Enter the group of customers who share the same pricing requirements.

Price List Type

Enter a price list or other condition type (for example, a surcharge or discount).

Customer Payment Terms

Enter the defining payment terms composed of cash discount percentages and payment periods.

Payment Method

Specify how an item is to be paid.

Fixed Value Date

Enter the date on which the terms of payment related to the sales order become effective. See the list of supported date examples.

Assignment Reference

Enter the number that is used to sort and display line items.

Reference SD Document

Specify the document to which the sales order refers (a preceding document, such as a sales quotation).


For more information, see Create Sales Orders with Reference.

Accounting Doc External Reference

Enter the reference document number contains the document number with the business partner. This serves as a search criterion when displaying or changing documents.

Customer Account Assignment Group

Enter the account assignment group to which the system automatically posts the sales document.

Accounting Exchange Rate

Enter the exchange rate that the system applies when you create an invoice.

Customer Group

Enter a particular group of customers (for example, wholesale or retail) for the purpose of pricing or generating statistics.

Additional Customer Group 1

Specify a customer-defined group of customers.


You can define up to five different groups of customers, according to the needs of your organization.

Additional Customer Group 2

Specify a customer-defined group of customers.

Additional Customer Group 3

Specify a customer-defined group of customers.

Additional Customer Group 4

Specify a customer-defined group of customers.

Additional Customer Group 5

Specify a customer-defined group of customers.

Sls Doc Is Rlvt For Proof Of Deliv

Select whether to control proof of delivery (POD) processing.

Customer Tax Classification 1

Enter the alternative tax classification.


This indicates whether the system takes account of customer-specific taxes for pricing (such as value-added tax). The system copies the tax classification from the tax information stored in the customer master record of the goods recipient. During pricing, the system uses the tax classification and the country or region key (which identifies the customer location) to determine the relevant taxes. You can enter a different (alternative) tax classification in the order.

Customer Tax Classification 2

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 3

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 4

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 5

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 6

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 7

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 8

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 9

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Tax Departure Country

Enter the tax departing country. For tax determination, the country or region of departure is used as the plant country or region.

VAT Registration Country

Enter the VAT registration country. For tax determination, the country or region of the ship-to party is used as the tax country or region of destination.

Billing Document Date

Enter the date on which billing and booking for accounting purposes takes place. See the list of supported date examples.

Contract Account

Enter a contract account. This identifies a contract account per client, that is, an account in which posting data for contracts or contract items are processed for which the same collection/payment agreements apply. Contract accounts are managed on an open item basis within contract accounts receivable and payable.

Additional Value Days

Specify the number of days between the billing date and the date on which the terms of payment for the sales document become effective.

Customer Purchase Order Suplmnt

Enter any additional information to help identify the customer's sales document.

Services Rendered Date

Specify the date of services rendered that determines when the system calculates taxes (for example, sales tax) for the product. See the list of supported date examples.

Billing Plan

Add any additional billing plan details.


Add any additional item details.


Add any additional partner details.

Payment Plan Item Details

Add any additional payment plan item details.

Preceding Proc Flow Doc

Add any additional preceding process flow document details.

Pricing Element

Add any additional pricing element details.

Related Object

Add any additional related object details.

Subsequent Proc Flow Doc

Add any additional subsequent process flow document details.


Add any additional text details.

Retrieves the details of a sales order by the sales order number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Sales Order

Enter the number of the sales order you want to retrieve.


Select the type of sales order you want to retrieve.

Updates a sales order by the sales order number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Sales Order

Enter the number of the sales order you want to update.

Sales Order Type

Enter the type of sales order you want to update.

Sales Organization

Enter the organizational unit responsible for the sales order.

Distribution Channel

Enter the distribution channel. Typical examples of distribution channels are wholesale, retail, or direct sales.

Organization Division

Enter the organization division.

Sales Group

Enter the group of sales people responsible for the sales order.

Sales Office

Enter the sales office.

Sales District

Enter the sales district.

Sold To Party

Enter the customer who orders the goods or services. The sold-to party is contractually responsible for sales orders.

Purchase Order By Customer

Enter the customer reference number that the customer uses to uniquely identify a purchasing document (for example, a sales inquiry or a purchase order).

Purchase Order By Ship To Party

Enter the number used by the end customer for unique identification of the purchasing document (for example, an inquiry or a purchase).

Customer Purchase Order Type

Enter the way in which the sales order arrives from the customer, for example, by telephone or e-mail.

Customer Purchase Order Date

Enter the reference date that is shown on the customer's purchase order. This date can be, for example, the date on which the customer created the purchase order. See the list of supported date examples.

Sales Order Date

Enter the date on which you want the sales order to become effective for sales management purposes. See the list of supported date examples.

Transaction Currency

Enter the currency that applies to the sales order.

SD Document Reason

Enter the reason for creating the sales order.

Pricing Date

Enter the date that determines date-related pricing elements, such as conditions and foreign exchange rate. See the list of supported date examples.

Price Detn Exchange Rate

Enter the exchange rate for price determination.

Billing Plan

Enter the billing plan or invoice plan number.

Requested Delivery Date

Enter the requested delivery date. See the list of supported date examples.

Shipping Condition

Enter the general shipping strategy for the delivery of goods from the supplier to the customer.

Complete Delivery Is Defined

Select whether to complete delivery defined for each sales order.

Shipping Type

Enter the shipping type (for example, by road or rail) that has been selected for the transportation of the goods for the shipment legs.

Header Billing Block Reason

Enter the reason if the entire sales order is blocked for billing.

Delivery Block Reason

Enter the reason if an entire sales order is blocked for delivery.

Delivery Date Type Rule

Enter any delivery date type rules.

Incoterms Classification

Enter the Incoterms classification. These are commonly used trading terms that comply with the standards established by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Incoterms Transfer Location

Enter any additional information for the primary Incoterm.

Incoterms Location 1

Enter the first Incoterms location.

Incoterms Location 2

Enter the second Incoterms location.

Incoterms Version

Enter the Incoterm edition.

Customer Price Group

Enter the group of customers who share the same pricing requirements.

Price List Type

Enter a price list or other condition type (for example, a surcharge or discount).

Customer Payment Terms

Enter the defining payment terms composed of cash discount percentages and payment periods.

Payment Method

Specify how an item is to be paid.

Fixed Value Date

Enter the date on which the terms of payment related to the sales order become effective. See the list of supported date examples.

Assignment Reference

Enter the number that is used to sort and display line items.

Reference SD Document

Specify the document to which the sales order refers (a preceding document, such as a sales quotation).


For more information, see Create Sales Orders with Reference.

Accounting Doc External Reference

Enter the reference document number contains the document number with the business partner. This serves as a search criterion when displaying or changing documents.

Customer Account Assignment Group

Enter the account assignment group to which the system automatically posts the sales document.

Accounting Exchange Rate

Enter the exchange rate that the system applies when you create an invoice.

Customer Group

Enter a particular group of customers (for example, wholesale or retail) for the purpose of pricing or generating statistics.

Additional Customer Group 1

Specify a customer-defined group of customers.


You can define up to five different groups of customers, according to the needs of your organization.

Additional Customer Group 2

Specify a customer-defined group of customers.

Additional Customer Group 3

Specify a customer-defined group of customers.

Additional Customer Group 4

Specify a customer-defined group of customers.

Additional Customer Group 5

Specify a customer-defined group of customers.

Sls Doc Is Rlvt For Proof Of Deliv

Select whether to control proof of delivery (POD) processing.

Customer Tax Classification 1

Enter the alternative tax classification.


This indicates whether the system takes account of customer-specific taxes for pricing (such as value-added tax). The system copies the tax classification from the tax information stored in the customer master record of the goods recipient. During pricing, the system uses the tax classification and the country or region key (which identifies the customer location) to determine the relevant taxes. You can enter a different (alternative) tax classification in the order.

Customer Tax Classification 2

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 3

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 4

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 5

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 6

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 7

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 8

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Customer Tax Classification 9

Enter an additional alternative tax classification.

Tax Departure Country

Enter the tax departing country. For tax determination, the country or region of departure is used as the plant country or region.

VAT Registration Country

Enter the VAT registration country. For tax determination, the country or region of the ship-to party is used as the tax country or region of destination.

Billing Document Date

Enter the date on which billing and booking for accounting purposes takes place. See the list of supported date examples.

Contract Account

Enter a contract account. This identifies a contract account per client, that is, an account in which posting data for contracts or contract items are processed for which the same collection/payment agreements apply. Contract accounts are managed on an open item basis within contract accounts receivable and payable.

Additional Value Days

Specify the number of days between the billing date and the date on which the terms of payment for the sales document become effective.

Customer Purchase Order Suplmnt

Enter any additional information to help identify the customer's sales document.

Services Rendered Date

Specify the date of services rendered that determines when the system calculates taxes (for example, sales tax) for the product. See the list of supported date examples.

Deletes all items of a sales order the has been posted by the sales order number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Sales Order

Enter the number of the sales order you want to delete.

Releases an approval request of a sales order by the sales order number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Sales Order

Enter the number of the sales order you want to release an approval request for.

Rejects an approval request of a sales order by the sales order number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Sales Order

Enter the number of the sales order you want to reject an approval request for.

Retrieves a list of items in a sales order filtered by criteria.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Type of Filter

Select the type of filter you want to use. The Simple filter allows you to select filters from a list. You can also build your own Custom filter using the OData syntax.

Order By

Select how you want to order the results.

  • By a specific property

  • Ascending or descending


Select the type of sales order item you want to search for.


Enter the maximum number of items Make returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Adds an item to a sales order by the sales order number.


For the full list of variables and parameters for adding a sales order item, please refer to the SAP S/4HANA API reference documentation for Sourcing and Procurement.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Sales Order Item

Enter the sales order item number.

Higher Level Item

Enter the number of the higher-level item to which this item belongs in a hierarchy.

Sales Order Item Category

Enter the category of the sales order item.

Sales Order Item Text

Enter a short text for the sales order item.

Purchase Order By Customer

Enter the customer reference number that the customer uses to uniquely identify a purchasing document.

Purchase Order By Ship To Party

Enter the number used by the end customer for unique identification of the purchasing document.

Underlying Purchase Order Item

Enter the item number of the underlying sales order.


Enter the material number.

Material By Customer

Enter the material number used by the customer.

Pricing Date

Enter the date that determines date-related pricing elements. See the list of supported date examples.

Pricing Reference Material

Enter the material master record that the system uses as a reference for pricing purposes.

Billing Plan

Enter the billing plan number.

Requested Quantity

Enter the number or volume of materials specified in an item.

Requested Quantity Unit

Enter the unit in which the requested quantity is specified.


For the requested quantity units, you can use either the language-dependent unit code, the ISO code, the SAP code (the format found in the database without conversions).

Requested Quantity SAP Unit

Enter the unit in SAP code in which the requested quantity is specified.

Requested Quantity ISO Unit

Enter the unit in ISO code in which the requested quantity is specified.

Item Weight SAP Unit

Enter the SAP item unit referring to the gross weight or net weight of the material.

Item Weight ISO Unit

Enter the ISO item unit referring to the gross weight or net weight of the material.

Item Volume SAP Unit

Enter the SAP item volume.

Item Volume ISO Unit

Enter the ISO item volume.

Material Group

Enter the key that you use to group together several materials or services with the same attributes, and to assign them to a particular material group.

Material Pricing Group

Enter the material pricing group.

Additional Material Group 1

Enter an additional material group.

Additional Material Group 2

Enter an additional material group.

Additional Material Group 3

Enter an additional material group.

Additional Material Group 4

Enter an additional material group.

Additional Material Group 5

Enter an additional material group.

Billing Document Date

Enter the date on which billing and booking for accounting purposes takes place. See the list of supported date examples.

Contract Account

Enter a contract account. This identifies a contract account per client, that is, an account in which posting data for contracts or contract items are processed for which the same collection/payment agreements apply. Contract accounts are managed on an open item basis within contract accounts receivable and payable.

Additional Value Days

Specify the number of days between the billing date and the date on which the terms of payment for the sales document become effective.

Services Rendered Date

Specify the date of services rendered that determines when the system calculates taxes (for example, sales tax) for the product. See the list of supported date examples.


Enter the batch number.

Production Plant

Enter the plant key.

Storage Location

Enter the number of the storage location in which the material is stored.


A plant may contain one or more storage locations.

Shipping Type

Enter the shipping type (for example, by road or rail) that has been selected for the transportation of the goods for the shipment legs.

Shipping Point

Enter the physical location (for example, a warehouse or collection of loading ramps) from which you ship the item.

Delivery Priority

Enter the delivery priority assigned to an item.

Delivery Date Type Rule

Enter any delivery date type rules.

Incoterms Classification

Enter the Incoterms classification. These are commonly used trading terms that comply with the standards established by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Incoterms Transfer Location

Enter any additional information for the primary Incoterm.

Incoterms Location 1

Enter the first Incoterms location.

Incoterms Location 2

Enter the second Incoterms location.

Tax Amount

Enter the tax amount in document currency.

Product Tax Classification 1

Specify the first tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 2

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 3

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 4

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 5

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 6

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 7

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 8

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 9

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Matl Account Assignment Group

Enter the account assignment group for the material is a group of materials with the same accounting requirements.

Cost Amount

Enter the cost amount in document currency.

Customer Payment Terms

Enter the defining payment terms composed of cash discount percentages and payment periods.

Fixed Value Date

Enter the date on which the terms of payment related to the sales order become effective. See the list of supported date examples.

Customer Group

Enter a particular group of customers (for example, wholesale or retail) for the purpose of pricing or generating statistics.

Sales Document Rjcn Reason

Enter the reason for rejecting a sales order.

Item Billing Block Reason

Give a reason if the item is blocked for billing.

Sls Doc Is Rlvt For Proof Of Deliv

Select whether to control proof of delivery (POD) processing.

WBS Element

Enter the key that identifies a WBS element (a structural element in a work breakdown structure representing the hierarchical organization of a project).

Profit Center

Enter a key which together with the controlling area uniquely identifies a profit center.

Accounting Exchange Rate

Enter the exchange rate that the system applies when you create an invoice.

Reference SD Document

Specify the document to which the sales order refers (a preceding document, such as a sales quotation).


For more information, see Create Sales Orders with Reference.

Reference SD Document Item

Specify the number of the sales document item to which the sales order item refers.

Billing Plan

Add any additional billing plan details.


Add any additional partner details.

Preceding Proc Flow Doc Item

Add any additional preceding process flow document details.

Pricing Element

Add any additional pricing element details.

Related Object

Add any additional related object details.

Sales Order

Add any additional sales order details.

Schedule Line

Add any additional schedule line details.

Subsequent Proc Flow Doc Item

Add any additional subsequent process flow document details.


Add any additional text details.

Retrieves the details of an item in a sales order by the sales order number and item number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Sales Order

Enter the number of the sales order you want to retrieve an item from.

Sales Order Item

Enter the number of the sales order item you want to retrieve.


Select the type of sales order item you want to retrieve.

Updates a sales order item by the sales order number and item number.


Establish a connection to your SAP S/4HANA account.

Sales Order Item

Enter the sales order item number.

Higher Level Item

Enter the number of the higher-level item to which this item belongs in a hierarchy.

Sales Order Item Category

Enter the category of the sales order item.

Sales Order Item Text

Enter a short text for the sales order item.

Purchase Order By Customer

Enter the customer reference number that the customer uses to uniquely identify a purchasing document.

Purchase Order By Ship To Party

Enter the number used by the end customer for unique identification of the purchasing document.

Underlying Purchase Order Item

Enter the item number of the underlying sales order.


Enter the material number.

Material By Customer

Enter the material number used by the customer.

Pricing Date

Enter the date that determines date-related pricing elements. See the list of supported date examples.

Pricing Reference Material

Enter the material master record that the system uses as a reference for pricing purposes.

Billing Plan

Enter the billing plan number.

Requested Quantity

Enter the number or volume of materials specified in an item.

Requested Quantity Unit

Enter the unit in which the requested quantity is specified.


For the requested quantity units, you can use either the language-dependent unit code, the ISO code, the SAP code (the format found in the database without conversions).

Requested Quantity SAP Unit

Enter the unit in SAP code in which the requested quantity is specified.

Requested Quantity ISO Unit

Enter the unit in ISO code in which the requested quantity is specified.

Item Weight SAP Unit

Enter the SAP item unit referring to the gross weight or net weight of the material.

Item Weight ISO Unit

Enter the ISO item unit referring to the gross weight or net weight of the material.

Item Volume SAP Unit

Enter the SAP item volume.

Item Volume ISO Unit

Enter the ISO item volume.

Material Group

Enter the key that you use to group together several materials or services with the same attributes, and to assign them to a particular material group.

Material Pricing Group

Enter the material pricing group.

Additional Material Group 1

Enter an additional material group.

Additional Material Group 2

Enter an additional material group.

Additional Material Group 3

Enter an additional material group.

Additional Material Group 4

Enter an additional material group.

Additional Material Group 5

Enter an additional material group.

Billing Document Date

Enter the date on which billing and booking for accounting purposes takes place. See the list of supported date examples.

Contract Account

Enter a contract account. This identifies a contract account per client, that is, an account in which posting data for contracts or contract items are processed for which the same collection/payment agreements apply. Contract accounts are managed on an open item basis within contract accounts receivable and payable.

Additional Value Days

Specify the number of days between the billing date and the date on which the terms of payment for the sales document become effective.

Services Rendered Date

Specify the date of services rendered that determines when the system calculates taxes (for example, sales tax) for the product. See the list of supported date examples.


Enter the batch number.

Production Plant

Enter the plant key.

Storage Location

Enter the number of the storage location in which the material is stored.


A plant may contain one or more storage locations.

Shipping Type

Enter the shipping type (for example, by road or rail) that has been selected for the transportation of the goods for the shipment legs.

Shipping Point

Enter the physical location (for example, a warehouse or collection of loading ramps) from which you ship the item.

Delivery Priority

Enter the delivery priority assigned to an item.

Delivery Date Type Rule

Enter any delivery date type rules.

Incoterms Classification

Enter the Incoterms classification. These are commonly used trading terms that comply with the standards established by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Incoterms Transfer Location

Enter any additional information for the primary Incoterm.

Incoterms Location 1

Enter the first Incoterms location.

Incoterms Location 2

Enter the second Incoterms location.

Tax Amount

Enter the tax amount in document currency.

Product Tax Classification 1

Specify the first tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 2

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 3

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 4

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 5

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 6

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 7

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 8

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Product Tax Classification 9

Specify an additional tax classification for the material.

Matl Account Assignment Group

Enter the account assignment group for the material is a group of materials with the same accounting requirements.

Cost Amount

Enter the cost amount in document currency.

Customer Payment Terms

Enter the defining payment terms composed of cash discount percentages and payment periods.

Fixed Value Date

Enter the date on which the terms of payment related to the sales order become effective. See the